Aug 03, 2009 · You can definitely use two wireless routers in one house with or without wireless being disabled on one. It begs the question though, if you are buying a new one, why not just replace the broke one with the new one? If you are only sharing internet, it won't be a problem to have one router hooked into another router. Apr 05, 2019 · Set the Internet Gateway of router 2 to router 1's IP address. Connect the two routers using a wired connection from any of port 1-4 in router 1 to any of port 1-4 in router 2. You can use a Wireless Media Bridge or Powerline Ethernet Kit to create a wired connection. DO NOT use router 2's WAN port. Jul 14, 2020 · Wi-Fi repeaters won’t help you either - they need to be within range of the router and that is blocked by the floors in your house. Unpack the two adapters. The one with Wi-Fi capability is for upstairs, so put that to one side for later. Oct 02, 2018 · Usually, this is limited to 2 LANs—one for your private network and one for a guest network, for everyone else. For a large company that needs to deliver Wi-Fi to the entire business, but segment the finance department’s data from marketing while shielding HR data from malicious outsiders, configuring requires an understanding of how Apr 16, 2009 · hello, i have a problem using my d link dir-300 wireless router my computer are one connect to the dsl.and i have a interconnected computer using my switch hub.up an using the wireless network .I connect my laptop to the wireless d link and it is connected but with out internet connection .I connect a cross over to the port 1 of the the d-link and the other side to the switch .con you help me

Oct 02, 2018 · Usually, this is limited to 2 LANs—one for your private network and one for a guest network, for everyone else. For a large company that needs to deliver Wi-Fi to the entire business, but segment the finance department’s data from marketing while shielding HR data from malicious outsiders, configuring requires an understanding of how

You can use WiFi on either or both routers; just set different SSID, Channels, and encryption codes When setting the config's (both of them), be sure to set a new password which will disallow

Can I have 2 routers in my house? 2.4ghz and 5.0ghz So I’m thinking about getting a new router that provides 5.0ghz wifi since my main router is 2.4ghz. Will I get 5.0ghz wifi from my secondary router or it will be just 2.4ghz like the main one?

Task: I want to connect 2 similair wireless routers (Actiontech) to our Fios Network. Problem: When I connect the coaxial cable to the second router, wireless access inthe home fails entirely. Im thinking the second router has the same IP as the first or something. Question: Is there a way to co One with wifi and another with wifi+3G. iPad2 wifi model can connect to Internet via wifi. Another version have two options. If you are in home with wifi you can connect to it. When you are Jan 15, 2005 · I have 1 netgear and 1 linksys router hooked up to my modem, both routers are giving wireless access to several computers – we had a problem in that we thought both routers had to have static IP’s but it turns out that only one can have a static IP (or at least the same static IP) – now, one of them has a dynamic IP address (DNS remains static) and everything works again… the static IP After a bit of Googling I found out that it’s really easy to create one WiFi network with multiple access points. All you need to do is configure two routers to use the same SSID and password. I picked up an old Dlink DIR-635 router and began configuring it. The first thing I did was disabling DHCP and NAT on the router (bridged). Oct 06, 2019 · You don't need to hook up everything with wires, though. If you can run an Ethernet cable from the router up to an attic, for example, then you can attach a second router or a wireless access Yes, you can use 2 extenders with a few caveats. Do not wirelessly connect one extender to another. Performance for the second extender will usually be unsatisfactory. Therefore, each extender should connect to the main router.