Here are the settings for Android COVID-19 contact tracing
adb命令行打开Android settings_Saimon的博客 … 2018-8-21 · Android4.2的源码android-17\com\android\commands目录下较之前的版本多了一个settings命令,查看其中的SettingsCmd.java文件,末尾有命令的帮助信息:private static void printUsage() { System.err.println("usage: settings [--use Change permissions for apps on your Android phone On your phone, open the Settings app. Tap Apps & notifications. Tap the app you want to change. If you can't find it, first tap See all apps or App info. Tap Permissions. If you allowed or denied any permissions for the app, you’ll find them here. To change a permission setting, tap it, then choose Allow or Deny.
Settings | Android Developers
2019-12-27 · 自 Android 10 开始,系统已弃用 android.preference 库平台。 设置使用户能够改变应用的功能和行为。 设置可以影响后台行为,例如应用与云同步数据的频率;设置的影响还可能更为深远,例如改变用户界面的内容和呈现方式。 Android - App Settings - RescueTime 2020-7-8 · Android - App Settings. To access app settings, press on the gear icon on the bottom-right of the home screen. There are a number of settings options that you may want to configure in order to get the app logging what you would like. Account Settings: …
2020-5-4 · Ahead of this month’s launch, the two companies are previewing contact tracing apps and what settings Android users will have to control COVID-19 contact tracing.
设置 | Android 开发者 | Android Developers